Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You know, I was in a pretty good mood this week...


Before my laptop decided to die after class today.

Before my phone got cut because I'm late in paying the bill (and I've been trying to figure out how to do that for a couple weeks now.)

Before I got kicked out of my room again today, because these Koreans are flipping out about the swine flu, so their vaccinating our rooms again.

Before this post, I had a draft saved up that I was about to post with new picture updates of my class work at this point.


Because, I had a good weekend. You know, dancing all night long and at the beginning of that week, I started a new figure painting in Basic Painting class, and one teacher complimented that my figures were well drawn. My first. Compliment. Ever. In that class.

And. I gave my midterm presentation for watercolor class yesterday, and I did well. People liked my style, and liked how I improved since the first drawing.

But all that good stuff hit a brick wall when my three and a half year old Toshiba laptop struggled one last time, its hard drive motor clunking weakly, to start up only to present me a black screen of its impending death.


I don't need it really, here in Korea, as much as I usually do at CCA, BUT.

All of my pictures are in that laptop.....and I have a gigs worth of music on there that I haven't transferred to my external yet. UGH, AND MY RAP VIDEOS!


1 comment:

Cricky said...


I literally felt my soul being ripped apart when I heard that. No good person should ever have their computer go through that. :(