Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Art update, post midterms!

My Oriental Watercolor Midterm presentation was on Tuesday. I uploaded the ppt file for anyone willing to see the sketches of mountains, rocks, and trees I've done for that class up until now.

It's surprisingly big for a powerpoint file....but it has pictures of all my work in this class so far, if you're interested to see how I progressed. Er, I'm presenting it this way because I accidentally deleted the original pictures from my laptop...^^;;

Oriental Watercolor Midterm Powerpoint Presentation
Download Link


Still life painting is done. It's not perfect, there are some perspective issues, but I'm pretty ok with how it turned out.

In Basic Painting class, we've started on our third painting, and it's also our second figure model painting. I think also, this is my breakthrough piece in terms of painting and in understanding the human body. Quite excited to see how it turns out.


My second painting in Painting Studio class, the one where I did the eye painting for. We're required to work on 50F size canvases, and they are HUGE. I'd say about.....three by four feet or so. How in the world will I send these paintings to the states, I do not know.

Anyways, the point of this painting is to explore space, and how objects take up space naturally/unnaturally. We need parallel objects and unparallel objects. This is a snapshot of the inside of my desk drawer, which I found to be a little too literal, but the perspective makes for an interesting composition. I want to add something else to make it less literal, and maybe more symbolic. Or maybe put in some interesting textures somehow. I don't know for sure yet, I just hope I'll figure it out while I paint it.

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