Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Club Day and Halloween

So there's a slight difference between clubbing in South Korea, and clubbing in America. In Korea, they play a bit more Korean popular songs in addition to mainstream American stuff, but also, there's a small cultural difference.

Granted, I've only went clubbing one time in America, so I don't know if this judgement has enough basis. But anyways.

Every month on the last Friday, the Hongdae area has an event that they call Club day, where all the clubs in the area are discounted, and you can club hop until midnight for the price of one entry. Pretty sweet deal if you plan on dancing everywhere, haha.

The plan was for Madison and I to meet up with the Frenchies and the Aussies after their drinking binge/party/evening plans or whatever, and then club all night long. We left a little after midnight, only to find out that we did miss that one detail about Club day ending at midnight....but it didn't matter because we only needed one club.

Most of the French bailed on us, except for Myriam, who doesn't hang out with the main French group anyways, and she was with two Korean friends, (I forgot the guy's name, girl is Reina) who are in the same design program as her at school. The five of us went ahead for some ice cream after discovering this one club I've been to for my first club outing with the Aussies a week earlier, m2, had a loooooooong queue.

We were at Cafe Tiamo, eating our ice cream for an hour or so, when we decided to walk around until we found a club that seemed appealing ie, short line, haha. Reina, who's been to most of the clubs at least a couple times, was our guide. The guy Korean friend left a little bit afterwards at this point, as he said he had to work early the next morning.

Finally, us four girls remaining decided on a hip hop club called Cocoon, which is very near the school campus. I texted the Aussies and told them to meet us at this club when they're ready, but due to a pool game of sorts, they didn't come until almost 4 a.m. =_=

Ahaha, and them boys totally missed out on us girls rocking it. I LIKE clubbing in Korea, so far. Girls can freely dance without having to worry about unwanted grinding. From my first clubbing experience in America, it was harder to get away with that as EVERYONE IN THE CLUB was doing the whole freak dancing thing. It's interesting to see, though, how Seoul keeps trying to westernize itself. Halloween here might be popular ten years from now. Only the American foreigners were really dressing up for the Halloween thing.

But here, guys are more, shall we say, shy? And they only approach when they're interested in a dance, or maybe more in other cases of course, but I digress.

I had a lot of fun dancing with them girls (Reina and Myriam left soon after the Aussies came), and the Aussies (when they finally arrived) made it pretty fun too. Too bad they arrived a little too late, when Madison and I were getting tired. We were in Cocoon until six in the morning. >.<

And I started to get pretty hungry at five ish, so after getting quick kimbab for breakfast with Madison and one Asian Aussie guy, I came back to my dorm room at around seven a.m. the sun was rising.

Epic night is epic. The dancing was totally good for my system. I'm down for going again at the end of November xD.

There was one thing I kinda wish I didn't do, though. While us four girls were taking a break and waiting for the Aussie team to arrive by the stair entrance, one cute Korean boy did approach and started a conversation. He totally had the hiphop look going, with the black hoodie and cap, lol. First he asked how old I was, which I preceded to tell him (I couldn't quite tell how old he was, though...) but it's really hard to carry out a full conversation with someone in a club. The music deafens you >.<

I told the guy I wasn't Korean, so he asked if I could speak English, in English. xD But unfortunately, the Aussies arrived at that moment, so...that was it. He fell back after I said that yeah, they are my friends. Sigh. Oh well. Maybe next time something interesting will happen, lol.

Also, I'm quite glad we decided to go the day before Halloween. Because it rained like a mother the very next day, all day. No warning. Oh, the joys of weather.

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