Friday, October 9, 2009

The Cheonju Cultural Trip

So here's the picture post about the cultural field trip I went to with the International Center and other foreign students a couple weeks ago. September 25 and 26 to be exact. These are only some of the pictures I took, I didn't want to flood this post with all of them. The whole batch will be on my facebook.

That in the bus there is Yunhee Kim. She's the main International Center advisor that helped me with my application to Hongik and everything.

And on the bottom there, is the sign that says the Jeonju Traditional Cultural Center or something to that effect.

This is everyone sitting for lunch and waiting for the food.




This is the courtyard of the Traditional Cultural Center. All sorts of games from the old dynasty days are set up here for people to play with.


Ahaha, it's like see-saw but way old school.


Here, we had one wedding ceremonial expert teaching us the traditional Korean bow for men and women. Then he had some volunteers dress in traditional garb (Hanbok), and demonstrate some wedding rituals for us to see. Then we got to dress up in the Hanbok ourselves.



At the top is Esther Inju Ryu, Korean American friend from Chicago, and at the bottom is Aoki Kanako from Japan who lives on the same floor as me in the dorms.


After that, we went to another building and learned how to tie the traditional Korean knot and made our own necklaces. That's Madison at the bottom there, concentrating really hard on how to do it, haha, it was kind of confusing at first.


We also put together a rice paper plate and made our own designs. 

Oh yeah, and we also did a ceramics workshop where we were given a cup to paint on, and then the ceramics people would put them all in the kiln to fire and send us the finished pieces via mail to Hongdae later.

And this is about when my camera started to run out of battery, which was quite frustrating because I had thought it was fully charged before I went on the trip. I wasn't able to take any pictures of the traditional house we stayed the night in or the ceramics stuff, or the museum tour. Sigh.



All in all though, it was an interesting trip. It wasn't the ultimate enlightening experience, but I managed to have some fun.

And before you all ask, yes, there are pictures of me in Hanbok, too. =)


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