Saturday, September 19, 2009


Some quick updates:

Almost done interpreting RSS's dream.
My roommate, Juyoung, and I talked for hours last night. We got to know each other a lot better.
Bought a bunch of Epik High CDs the other day at COEX, and right now I'm about to leave to head over to Olympic Park for the concert.
Saw the movie "9" with Gina yesterday. Great movie.
I still haven't been able to decide between the eye sketch or the book sketch yet.

Hmm. Yeah, that's all I can think about for now.


Vivian KD Truong said...

HIIIII! just thought I'd see how things are over there. I bet you are having a blast. Patrick just finally got internet connection so now we are all in different places. In one week I leave for London so then it really will be all spread out. =)

post some pictures I'd love to see what it looks like over there!

Red-Striped Skechers said...

Hahaha. I was just wondering about that dream. PPP and I looked up some symbols because I was bored at the library. It was a little forbidding. But I'll the expert interperet the dream. ;) Go with the books! (but the eye was still cool... ah I'm so indecisive). Don't forget to give us the update on the concert! Have fun! Miss you.