Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One month left...

So today marks the day that I leave Seoul in exactly one month.

Wow, did time fly by fast. There's only a month left, but right now, it feels like time slowed down juuuuust a little bit. Like that split second that slows down in your brain before the scenes suddenly pick up the pace again. I think cold weather has the tendency to do that.

Goodness it is really cold nowadays. After spending the majority of my winters in California for the past three years, I forget how cold it could possibly get. In Utah though, the climate is drier, so the coldness doesn't bite as hard. Oyyy, but in Seoul where there's more humidity, if it's windy, the freaking wind finds all the spaces between your clothes effortlessly....>.<

Classes right now, they are going well. Most of our classes are just preparing for our finals, our finishing up paintings and such. I have two exhibitions that I need to go, both by teachers of mine. Oriental painting, and Western painting. Should be interesting.


Red-Striped Skechers said...

I miss you so much! Sorry that I've been pretty absent lately. My laptop is dead, Gabe doesn't think he can fix it this time. :( Oh well.

Red-Striped Skechers said...

ps i need to catch up on your blog, i've missed way too much!

Marian Pham said...

missed you too! you've totally been out of the loop!