Thursday, November 19, 2009

HoaBinh Pho Restaurant

Wednesday I had Vietnamese food for the first time in Korea.

Gina and I went to the Kangnam area, which as most Korean pop culture fanatics know is one of the richest spots of Seoul, to hunt down a book at the biggest Kyobo Bookstore in the city. Hah.

We couldn't find the James Jean art book I wanted to bring to class next Tuesday, but we decided to spend the day together, as we hadn't met up over the weekend like we wanted to. Gina had to prepare for the ever important TOEFL test which she takes this Saturday, so MONDO BEST OF LUCK TO HER =D

We decided to get some lunch, as I hadn't eaten all day long. I rushed after class to the subway in order to meet her on time. In all my time living in Korea, I still hadn't found the opportunity to check out a Vietnamese restaurant here, so it was with a spontaneous moment that I asked Gina to take me to a Viet restaurant. She commented that her favorite one is called HoaBinh, but she doesn't know if there was one around in Kangnam.

But lo and behold, as if the universe's magic of coincidental making was at work again, we found a sign that said "HoaBinh Vietnamese Pho Restaurant" after 2 minutes of walking down the street.


And I must say, it was sooooooooooooo nice to eat some food from back home. It tasted very much like pho, although I believe they must have used a different kind of broth to prepare it, however. I was very happy, hahaha. I experienced several minutes of nostalgia, and I had a sudden cringe of homesickness for my grandmother's cooking, but hey. I enjoyed my pho =D

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