Saturday, November 28, 2009

Having no camera really sucks.

Because since that unfortunate day, there have been many events where I wished I could snap so many awesome shots of art and people and just memories. Ugh.

Well, on the plus side, I am currently eating cereal for the first time in Korea in Madison's room. Ooh, the nostalgia. I love cereal, haven't realized how much of an American necessity it is.

But on the other negative side, I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for when I leave Korea in about two weeks and it makes me start to feel sad about leaving all the friends I've made here, plus just missing the city of Seoul. So recently and probably until the end of my time here, my feelings will go bipolar on me. >.<

From having an awesome time and feeling like the luckiest girl in the world, to feeling anxious and sad about the inevitable. I know deep down that I will definitely be returning to this country soon. Hopefully, soon.

On a totally different note, can someone scream lucky coincidence? Apparently, Epik High will be introducing their new Map the Soul member DOK2 (pronounced doe-kee) next week at a venue ONE BLOCK AWAY FROM MY UNIVERSITY.

HAH. I'm totally going to make the effort to go to this event. Not sure if I'll be able to reserve a space online since the payment method has to be the Korean way. But paying at the door is only two dollars more expensive, and I suppose it's a first come first serve for those who didn't reserve. Hm.

We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHHHH YOU ARE SO FREAKIN LUCKY! Well.. in some aspects of life. I guess for every one thing you lose you gain like a thousand others. :D No worries. you'll be okay and come back in one piece. just like your mom said you will. but remember the extra piece that is for me. O.O

wow. I can't believe time has gone by so quickly for all of us. In one blink of an eye the semester is done with. golly. I'm scared.