Thursday, October 15, 2009


It seems everyone has the case of the stresses currently. Ah, the joys of midterms.

I started two other posts before this one, but they both are still simmering in the writing department. And of course, Red Striped Sketcher's dream interpretation is long overdue. I have to mention it often now, to force myself to get on that as soon as possible. But I haven't seen her posting much these days. Probably because of busy midterms. Go figure.

I just got back from dinner with Madison. We decided to make it a weekly thing, to go eat out for dinner the two of us. One, so that we get to go outside, and two, so that we actually get a decent meal at least once a week, haha.

We went to a Korean restaurant called Yoganeh, and it was actually a pretty good place. I would go there again. Then, we decided to get waffle ice cream for dessert. The Belgian waffle thing is the current craze right now in Seoul. There's a waffle shop everywhere.

Anyways, so while most of you have papers and tests to study for, I have paintings and sketches to finish, yaaaaaaaay. The still life painting is due next week, and Chang Sara kyosoonim (the other teacher in my Basic Painting class, with the German guy) is checking both that and the nude painting from the very beginning of the semester. Sigh, I guess I really have to finish that this time. Tsk, I just know I can do better on the next round of figure painting, but I guess I have to face the mediocre attempt that is my first class assignment. Well, that should be interesting.

In Oriental Painting, I have to prepare a slideshow presentation with all the sketches I did at Bukhansan Mountain and talk about my progress from the first sketch until now. Can someone say NERVERACKING. T_T

Han Kyosoonim said I can do it in English, and then Esther goes "No you need to practice your Korean!" Omg.

I had a critque in my Painting Studio class this past Monday, and I did that in English and that was very very very nerveracking. I just can't think in art terms and stuff in Korean....not yet.

Hmm, what else? Oh, and I have to make a pinhole camera for Drawing class. Our sketchbook is our midterm grade.

I have a healthy amount of busy this semester. Esther and I talked the other day how we were very much busier in the States. Right now at Hongik, we seem to have more spare time on our hands, so she persuades me to go to the KIMCHI debating often. Only yesterday's debate got canceled because most of the Koreans are really busy with their midterms, haha.

Well, good luck all my peoplez with your midterms. I hope I see the Infamous Trio of Nerds posting more soon.

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