Thursday, September 24, 2009

To Do list getting a tad longer and weekend plans.

Soooooo, I've been getting a little busier. In case you hadn't noticed, lol.

No worries, the blog will still be updated quite regularly, but there will be times when the traffic is slow due to some special circumstances. Like this weekend, starting tomorrow actually, I'll be going on a trip with the International Center and other International students to a tour that will last until Saturday, which means I won't have computer access for those two days. We're going to a place called Cheongju, and I'm not exactly sure what we're doing, and I'm not sure how many people will actually go. I do know that Madison and Esther will both be going too, so it should be fun.

I really hoped that I would be able to post up RSS's dream interpretation, but to no avail, as I actually had homework due this week. And next week too, and because of the trip this weekend, I had to try to get as much done for next week as possible. >.<


I need to find a spray bottle, do handfuls of sketches of plants and flowers, and finish two paintings, still. Wah. All of a sudden, I have lots of things to do. What happend to all that free time? 

Oh yeah, and I still have to figure out what to do for the next self portrait thing. >.< I hope there will be some down time this weekend for me to figure all that out.

But anyways. I'm really really hoping that after the trip, I can put up RSS's dream as well as a recap of the Epik High concert last Saturday.

My next post probably won't be until Sunday. Saturday night at the earliest. Hwaiting to us all!

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