Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Itching to renew.

I started warming up for painting yesterday by gessoing over two old crappy paintings I did while at school, and some leftover/unfinished illustration boards that have been collecting dust. I had two very small store bought canvases lying around in my home studio and decided to have a go at it with oils.

It was peaceful, almost, just putting random colors and mixing it here and there on canvas. Not caring about how it should turn out or what it should look like. No teachers and classmates to worry about impressing. Just me reaquainting with painting again.

I left them last night to dry a little before going over them again with an image in my mind that's sort of taking shape. I hope to get it all down and done tonight.

Can't wait for the real illustrations to crank out on the other prepared surfaces.

Also, the blog and website are going through changes. I hope to have version 2 of marianpham.com done and live by fall, as I have a lot of projects to work on for October. New illustrations means new website!

For the blog, I decided to keep using blogspot afterall. I didn't have the patience and willpower to wrap my head around how wordpress works. Sorry, Chris. But, it will of course emulate how the new website will look so this current blog layout is temporary.

I'm slowly getting my old deviantart account active again, though I still can't take that place seriously enough with what's considered "art" that floats around there. Still, it doesn't hurt to post work up at all these places, plus, I still like to do fanart of anime, manga, video games, celebrities, etc. Granted, deviantart will probably be the only place where I would upload fanart at, hah.

Oh yeah, and the butterfli tagline will stay. : )

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