It's the end of summer and kids are settling back at schools and in classes. I'm not one of them this time. =/
Yep, it's finally sinking in; I'm technically an adult transitioning into the real world of working. Fun.
Anyways, I've been able to do some drawing at least. I did some practice painting with oils over the past few weeks to try out applications on different surfaces, such as gessoed panels and illustration board. One thing for sure, I'm not really feeling the textured gessoed surface on illustration board. Maybe I should try sanding it down so it's much smoother but I feel that takes too much effort in preparing surfaces for me.
I've also produced two real illustrations this time. Again, I'm still experimenting with different media and figuring out what works for my style of drawing best.
Neither really have a title. I only had these images in my head and tried to put it down on paper but no title or anything came up while I was working on them.
Also, there is a "Pokerface" illustration I'm working on to go with a rap cover of said song by Lady Gaga. The song itself is almost done recording, just some chorus tweaks to work on. It's going on youtube once it's all done. =D
On a totally unrelated note, my dad randomly decided to get satellite tv again so now I have the computer and the TV to eat my brains out with. Shows I'm looking forward to watching this fall season are "Chuck," "Glee," and "The Amazing Race." The latter two I'm watching for the Asians, to be honest.
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