Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Oy, I'm faced with this same old problem again.

I thought I had it together at this point. I'm second guessing, oh my. It's distracting, and making me lose focus. Have I ever questioned my practices so much before attending? All I had was a pencil and paper, that was all I needed to get by.

Something's still lacking, though, apparently, and I've been trying to figure out that detail ever since, but in all honesty, I really should know that by now.

I guess I never finished my little soul search after all. T_T

I'm a late bloomer again. Way overdue.

Have I missed all the signs?? o_O I don't have time for this. =_=

On a slightly more positive note, I saw this link on one of my friend's facebook:

Bad artists borrow, good artists steal.

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