Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Redone, Redux Reception

Tried not to look tired for the reception but fail. Just not possible with all those all nighters ^^;;

So after some days of crazy hassling and drama and random bullcrap Sunday, show was finally set up completely by the end of Monday, and the reception went pretty well today. =D

I'm pretty content. I felt nervous and really worried at first because I was super paranoid the work was too last minute/wasn't good/competing right next to Dean's/thesis etc etc, BUT.

Everything went ok. ^^;; Several people really loved my digital work, which I had initially planned to do for the whole show, but I only had time to do three, which I felt wasn't enough, so I put together the whole redoing illustrations from classes 1-5. Ended up missing a piece from Illustration 1 due to time restraints and printing issues, but no one questioned the concept behind the show. All's well that end's well.

I'm so glad it's done. I talked to several teachers about my thesis today too, and got some really positive feedback about it as well as some "this might be too ambitious here, be realistic." I'm already getting that feeling of some people underestimating me, but hey, I've probably overestimated myself several times in the past.

Not this time, though.

I know this challenge is gonna be a lot of work, but this future portfolio combines illustrations, writing, and music; three parts that make up my art.

I'll go into more detail about my thesis in the next post. Until then, enjoy these pics of some of the work up in the Bruce Galleries at this moment. =)