Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saw a cutie at church today xD

He was sitting in the row in front of me to my right side. I couldn't get a chance to view him face front, but his profile side is quite cute, haha.
Too bad he left right after mass ended.

This is just a picture post for the Epik High concert. I realized I must have said enough about the concert in my shoutout rap video, so here are just the pictures. More are on my facebook. I really wanted to post this with the video clips, though, but it's just taking too much time to wait until I could meet Madison and ask to use her Mac.





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A BOY????!!!! A BOY????!!!!! *GASPS AND FALLS DOWNS* Hearing about this while drinking a late night coffee is not... a very good idea.. coffee... owwieeee!

oh man so jealous! TWO epik high concerts! gahhh >.< hate you so much but i love you tooo! gahhhh!