Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I like wearing unique jewelry. My favorite things to wear are earrings (big surprise lol) and necklaces. If there is the one kind I'm cursed to not wear, it's a ring.

Ringsssssssssss. I like thumb rings, and I tend to like silver, gold, diamonds, simple gems, etc. But I have the worst luck in keeping them. All of my rings.

Like this one ring I've had since I was six. It's tiny, it's gold, it has an M on it, it was a gift from my late grand uncle, and I lost it some time this year. T____T. I thought I had lost it many times before, and it always turned up again somehow, but this time, I think it's gone for real. I've only realized it just now, I don't know if I lost it before I came to Korea or after....

And this ring.

This is a picture Madison took of me on our trip at Cheonju.

This ring has a lot of history. My dad gave my mom this ring when they first started dating. Meaning it's more than 20 years old. My mom thought it was lost long ago, but some years ago, she found it recently in the posession of my dad's parents. Apparently they took this ring with them along with some other items when they left my parents house. Long story short, they stole this.

And my mom gave me this ring before I left to Korea. And I realized it was missing some days ago.

God. Seriously, I have the worst track record for keeping rings. They're just pieces of jewelry, but both of these rings had historrryyyy. I kept them for their sentimental value, not their materialistic value. And I lost both within months.

I'm really sad about losing my mother's ring more though.

Anyway, this is some of the random BS that's happened recently. Phanny wanted to know, and I figured it was easier to put this out on blog than on facebook messaging.

There is more, like losing my homework to the wind on Monday. Funny thing is, I'm not stressing out creatively like usual. Which is a good thing, really. I have a lot of midterm homework, but I'm not so hung up about that like before. It does bother me, though, that I never seem to completley finish all of my homework 100 percent of the time. Although, it might also be because a lot of the Korean art teachers here are kind of flakey....and not that strict....but they expect a lot....but they seem to treat international students differently....

Also, some of my family worries were relieved because I talked to smurf not too long ago about the Phamily and whatnot. But then again, I also just found out that little kanna has come clean about her secret boyfriend. Dx What's an older sister to do??

Omg. I just do not approve. But maybe that's just my emotional insecurity talking.

I'd elaborate more, but I spent a good deal talking about relationships with Esther over dinner today, and I'd rather not beat that to death tonight.

Point is, under one family, not each child will turn out the same even if you think you raised them and treated them all the same. And when they turn out for the worse, you wonder where and what you did wrong.


Anonymous said...

you should be a personality psychologist, we just went over that stuff in our reading this week. Even though children have the same parents you have to take into account birth order, friendships outside of the home, and personal interests and whatnot..

Hang in there..

..and didnt you have a bf in high school too? i'm sure kanna will be okay.

Anonymous said...

OH.. you should check all pockets and laundry and bags. thats where i lose everything...credit cards, iDs, keys, hair ties.. all of it ! haha

Marian Pham said...

would you really call those two boyfriends? i've never counted them as real or serious relationships cause we just dated for like two months...both guys...