Monday, May 9, 2011

Utah Flash Mob at the Race for the Cure

Just last Saturday, Utah Flash Mob performed to Staying Alive as part of the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure event at the mall. And let me just say, that was the most crowded I've ever seen the Gateway in all my years of living in Salt Lake.

I was lead dancer again, not that I mind at all. I've realized that if I really want to get better at my public performing skills, what better way than to stick with Utah Flash Mob for as long as possible? Ever since I met Robinette and reconnected with Valerie for the Sundance flash mob, my life has been going into a different direction that seems to lead to dance, acting, and modeling. The same day that we performed this flash mob, I hurried off to a dance rehearsal for a different big project, and then I rushed off to do a hair show for a cosmetology school in which I pretty much semi danced and modeled.

No matter what projects I'm involved in, I'll always be working as an artist and if that includes performing arts, even better for me.

I have another dance project that's shooting this weekend and I'm very excited for it. Can't wait to share with everyone once it's complete.

Anyways, check out the two videos of the most recent flash mob here. =)

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